Teachings of the Great Mother and the Great Father.

The Father and the Mother of the Universes are a single Source. They have the awareness of All and of Nothing and together they created the Universes.
In the beginning there was the Great Mother with the Great Father, united in essence and later on they created everything, that exists, with three Great Mothers and each of these Mothers manifested all the worlds and they decided to take part in them. They also embodied in the earthly world and in every Cosmic Cycle one of them returned to the Source and the other descended into the Manifestation, while the third Mother manifested herself in spirit in every part of the Universe, meanwhile the Great Mother united with the Great Father built other Universes in order to descend in spirit at the same time in many places to make evolve every brother, every sister of every planet, of every Universe and of every Solar System.
Whenever a planet is experiencing a big shift, the Great Father and the Great Mother, united, descend and talk to the heart of everyone and they give messages of love to an embodied brother.

The Great Father


The Earth.

November 12, 2010.

This planet has gone through many times of love, of awareness but also ignorance and wars. You have no recollection of the various epochs and we are here to open these doors so you become aware that you have been etheric but also dense. You lived many lives and each of them was important and now my presence on the Earth will increase your memory of the past and of your selves, when you were in the beginning of this Cosmic Cycle, near me, creators of everything you see, the green of your planet and the sky with the stars.
I always helped you and I descended so you can awaken inside as creators of all this, which exists in the earthly and in the invisible world.
In an ancient epoch you were spirits, who lived in love and knew the Primordial Power and then you have chosen to go through the lowest planes of Manifestation to know the dense aspects of earthly life. This experience made you see how essential it has been to go through pain, joy, humanity, malice, sexuality, the creative instinct of new ideas, of languages and of knowing your selves and others, but now during the return towards upper planes you have to use emotions to open and donate yourselves, the instinct to see, our ability to feel, the intellect to see and know superior technologies, the intuition to explore the profound thought, the clairvoyance to recognize that other worlds exist within us and we can live them while staying in an earthly body and feel the soul helps us to recognize ourselves in what we are – eternal.
In this epoch many of you have opened the channels of the spirit, you will find me there.

The Father


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