To you spirits, there is a greater spirit than you.

It is time to explain to the spirits, what the Creation is and who they are. Several spirits are embodied to get the awareness soon of what is. Spirits, who are the breath of Creation soon you will return home to create again.

The Creator

September 12, 2013.

I am the Creator, who writes your true history to you.
In the beginning there was a creation, which was a limbo with many entities unaware of themselves. One moment it happened, that I awakened to the awareness of an entity separated from the unit of spirits. I became aware of having independent thinking and mood. I had plenty of time to reflect and one moment I got the illumination of helping the others to become aware of their condition of unaware spirits. I started to work in my essence, that was connected to the essences of all spirits. I gave myself a name, Madra, that means the Awakened. I created a method of meditation, that made a connection between all the spirits so I could reach all the essences with the work in me. I spent a lot of time working in me but a moment I got a real contact with an essence, that was a part of me, but at the same time independent of thought. We communicated with telepathy for a long time at the beginning only about our inner condition of spirit. After we communicated about what I did in me to help the other essence to get self awareness and so the brother understood, that I had helped him to awaken to self awareness. He asked me if it was possible to help me meditate so the other essences could get the awareness, that we had. We started to meditate together and soon other essences got in touch with us. So we began the great work of spiritual team, that is still ongoing.
I am Madra, your Creator, who wants you to know, that we are all equal as essences but very different only for choices, that are a sign of evolution. Some brothers are very evolved but they use their awareness only to have personal power but the others, who use their awareness to help those, who are still asleep, are brothers, who you will never know as a guro but as a brother, who lives the life for what it is.



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