Teachings of The Solar Hierarchy.

Sanat Kumara greets his friends. I am here to give you important teachings for your spiritual growth. I hope they will be very useful. Sanat always loved you.

Sanat Kumara

May 15, 2013.

To you brothers of the Universal Hierarchy, Samta is the Creator. As you have heard in recent days their fusion in the essence of the great spirit is complete. Samta now turns to you as he feels at the moment. It is up to you to understand who is speaking to you at the moment. Know, that the Creator does not communicate with those, who have not entered the 23° initiation and therefore Samta communicates to you, what the Creator wants you to know, but you do not have contact with him. Samta is your connection. As previously mentioned he is the gateway to the Creator in this world and on an energetic level it is not possible, that the Creator descends on Earth without the physical body of Samta. All this is done according to the Universal Law, written by us.
Many incarnated brothers have not yet awakened to their spirit and until they have awakened their great spirit they cannot have contact with the great spirits of the Supreme Hierarchy unless they enter the 34° initiation. A contact of communication will be possible after that moment. It is possible to meet on the astral plane before so they can help us to make new steps in our growth, but it is a work of growth and not of communication or a work of helping humanity. These works will be done after the 34° initiation if it is your task.

I am the Mother Creator, who does still not work with any of you

I am Sanat Kumara and I am still not working with the Creator, but Samta and the Creator come every day to give me a lot of work to do for humanity. Every Hierarchy has its task, that comes into its essence, but is also communicated from above, but we do not experience it as you interpret it sometimes. We are all aware of being divine, but among us there is always the difference of evolution. You cannot imagine spirituality in your mind, but you will experience it in your essence, that awakens.

Sanat Kumara

Brothers of light, who are not yet evolved as you wish to be, have much discipline in the interior work, so the spiritual reality will have a chance to settle into your everyday life.

Samta is the Creator

February 4, 2013.

I am a brother, who works at the Solar Hierarchy with Sanat Kumara. My name is Samaro. I will give you information about the work at the Solar Hierarchy. We are working for the evolution of the galaxy with the Cosmic Hierarchy, that is also called the Universal Hierarchy. It is our task to help the planet and their people grow but it is difficult that all the planets grow in the same way and sometimes we have to descend to get more contact with the people. Among the planets in our solar system only the Earth is falling much behind to rise into the etheric plane. Many worlds in the galaxy are already on the astral plane but there are planets on the material plane as the Earth but there are also planets on lower planes than the Earth. There are ten planets more material than the Earth. Now the Earth entered the etheric plane and soon its energy will arrive to humanity, that will either grow or go crazy and do many very absurd and ugly things but if we do not make it happen then the Earth will explode one day because of the ignorance of its less evolved humanity so we decided to send the energy, coming from Sirius to the Earth to speed its ascent into the etheric plane. Very soon there will be other disasters around the planet, that will make you think about how you live your life. Now we can only hope, that you understand how to intervene so there will not be a war in vogue, that will destroy many people and much land on the planet, that already has suffered in the past for the destruction of Atlantis. Now we do not want to get to that point but we will intervene if things get bad for the planet and its survival and we will not intervene unless necessary. Humanity must take its responsabilities and awaken within its awareness of justice and brotherhood, that unites the entire Creation. Now I greet you with the hope that you will reflect on my speech. With love and brotherhood Samaro is here with you to grow and awaken more and more.


December 14, 2012.

Dear humanity of the Earth, I am Sanat Kumara and I am here to give you an important message about your spiritual evolution. Thanks to your effort on yourself and the work of many brothers and sisters, working for the Earth and humanity, you have entered the first initiation and this is a great achievement for humanity, that is still not able to advance on the path alone but soon there will be other changes in the world, that will help you to grow more. You have to open your heart more so that love can enter deeply and you will be even closer to your divine essence. You still do not have contact with your essence and it will take some initiations before it is possible but soon your soul will be established within you and you will be more aware of what you have done in other lives. After the soul has established then you have to work to get deeper contact with your spirit, that is in contact with your essence. This will take other initiations and perhaps incarnations too but now it is the moment to talk about what you are living at the moment. Now you have to raise your vibration to have contact with your guide and get advice from him or her about how to work better within you.
Christmas is almost here and you still celebrate this event. A long time ago the meaning was the nativity of baby Jesus but now it is the nativity of your material desires, that you try to satisfy in every way and this is very sad.
The spiritual path is not an easy way but you decided to go on this path for your evolution and therefore you are going through material life on Earth, but time is running out and soon the New Era will come on Earth and you will have the possibility to stay or to go away to other worlds, that are on a more material plane than this and it will not be easy to continue the spiritual growth there because the heaviness of matter is even more difficult than here and therefore I give you the advice to work much in this period before Christmas so you will be ready for the change of the New Era.
Sanat Kumara greets you with love and brotherhood.

Sanat Kumara

October 23, 2012.

I am Sanat Kumara and I give you this message because it is important for you to be aware, that soon there will be a change and also the transition into the etheric plane. It is urgent that you all prepare yourselves for this transition because many of you will be obliged to go to other planets if you do not raise your vibration. Many of you have already made good part of the way to prepare themselves to the transition but many others are still sleeping and do still not want to awaken. Therefore many people are at risk. It is not prudent not to work within you because your evolution will be delayed and you will lose valuable time. My advise to all of you is to meditate with brother Morya and he will be with to you in the astral plane to help you work on your vibration. Not only Morya will do this work with you but also your guide will help you. It is Morya’s task to help you. With the meditation you will have a lot of help to raise your vibration so you will be ready to go into the etheric plane and he promises you, that you will not be alone when you meditate.
It is not much time, that Morya works with me at the Solar Hierarchy. A long time ago we were together on Earth to decide on the fact to work together in the future and we decided, that a long time forward we would have helped humanity to go into another plane. My task was then to help humanity to go into the plane of matter and his task was to help humanity to go into the etheric plane. We decided, that it was still not the moment to go into the etheric plane and that more experience in the plane of matter was needed and that it was better to wait a long time before getting into the etheric plane. Now the moment has come to get into the etheric plane because the dark force is too present on Earth and the humans are unable to recognize them, because they do not want to grow within themselves and also because the dark force is much more powerful, because many people, who are sleeping, are in their hands and are making their power play. The other humans can no longer cope with this situation and we have to intervene so their death will end over.
I am surprised that it is still not clear to you what is the light and what is the dark. It is so obvious, that the darkness does not make people feel well but only the ones, who are making the game of the dark force, are allowed to stay well and soon the others will be worse and they will be so exhausted to either succumb or surrender to them, but we will not get to this point. A lot of time behind it was decided, that if humanity had not awakened within a certain time then we would have to finish this civilization and so it will be soon. Do not worry, because the brothers of Venus and Saturn are here with their space ships to protect those, who shall be saved to create the new humanity. I know it is difficult for you to believe these things but we can no longer put off the moment of the transition so if you do not hurry to work within you then there will not be a future Earth where you can embody again.
I am Sanat Kumara and I love you with all my heart and I want all of you to be saved so we can rejoice together for the etheric transition and finally on Earth there will be love and spirit and the growth of the spirit is the greatest thing of all. Now I greet you and I love you very much. Sanat Kumara, the brother of Venus, who has the task to go into the etheric plan with you, is always on Earth to help you grow and awaken.

Sanat Kumara

July 11, 2012. Message of Sanat Kumara.

To you, dear brothers and sisters, I come to give messages of the New Era and I tell you that it will not take much time to happen. Brothers and sisters of other worlds, who are here to help to make humanity and Earth grow, to you I say, that it will be a great evolution for your spirit and soon you will recognize your great spirit, who had sent you away from its essence a long time ago to make new experiences of growth elsewhere. The great spirit is always within you even though you have not yet awakened your essence and in the future you will have contact with it and many things will be clear in your heart, where it always descended to indicate you the path of the spirit. Now, it is not a new thing to know, that the great spirit exists, but the terms have not yet been clarified well. The great spirit at the origin was the spirit creator together with the other fathers, spirit creators of the origin of Creation and after the Creation every one moved into different universes to fulfill their mission of growth for themselves and for the others. Now only the Earth needs to etherize in this Solar System and it is time to know, that all of you at the origin were great spirit creators of the Creation and after there was the descent into the matter, that became more and more dense and you forgot even to have the small spirit and now many of you remember this spirit and want to continue to grow and remember more about their origins. Now with the arrival of the energies of Sirius and the Solar Hierarchy soon you will have your ancestral memory. I, Sanat Kumara, tell you, that soon the New Era will be and you will awaken to your deepest essence and it will be a great revelation for you. I say to you, that you still have to work within you to be even more ready the day, that the Earth will change.
Now I greet you with love and affection, because I had also had an incarnation on Earth in India and I have known the human sofference but also love towards the spirit and it is the greatest thing, that you can live on Earth. To you brothers and sisters, I greet you and bless you. Still the moment has not come to have more spirit in your life, but soon there will be other changes on Earth and this means, that we are close to the change.

Sanat Kumara is with you on Earth in the astral etheric plane

The Brotherhood of the Solar System.

Teachings of Sanat Kumara.

October 15, 2010.

Each planet of our Solar System has a Hierarchy, which guides the planets evolution and each planet has a brother, who is responsible for it. This happens since we decided to embody in this Solar System. Many of us live in the plane of the spirit and a part is embodied on the planets. The Solar Hierarchy has its center, where we meet to make decisions about each planets evolution. The Great Council is located in a very high plane of the highest astral plane. The brothers, who participate in these meetings, have great responsibilities in their planets. The task of the brother from Jupiter is to make them live a new age in their planet, that is going through the etheric plane to the astral-ground plane. This step is important, because the etherized body becomes more similar to the spiritual body. It is a work of great responsibility and awareness. The spirit of those, who live this great step knows to be in a plane, where everything becomes essence in the manifest world.
In the Great Solar Council some of us are guiding the evolution of the Earth and cooperate with the Planetary Hierarchy and often they participate in your Great Council. I am in constant contact with some light beings, embodied in your planet. Your planet has a meeting place, where the masters participate. In our Solar System only your planet has this place, because we knew that you needed it for your evolution. Some brothers are embodied and come from the planets close to you. I am here to accelerate and change the vibration of humanity. The brothers from Venus are those, who guide you for the longest time and they took the responsibility to make your planet evolve. The Earth is changing and you too. Open your selves otherwise there is the risk of living badly and full of energies, which make you feel bad physically and psychologically and your soul suffers because it cannot express its essence. During this period the Great Council is deciding with your brothers about the Great Shift and the intervention of the flying saucers of the embodied brothers. The decision has already been taken. Soon the world will change.


Venus and its evolution.

October 15, 2010.

In a distant era, when we decided to come to this Solar System, some of us chose to embody on Venus, so the first experience was made on this planet and this created new semi-etheric experiences. At that time life on Venus was on the astral plane, it was a great experience for us and for those, who had imbodied, so we decided, that this planet should experience many ages until arriving to the semi-etheric plane and then return towards the high planes. There were many civilizations and many of them were full of love and wisdom and they gave an input to the evolution of the other planets. Venus is a planet, where the awareness of spiritual love has been developed. There are places, where people live in mere simplicity and in search of the spirit and they have great spaces of nature and the relationship with others is very respectful. They work a lot spiritually and almost everyone has gone beyond the seventh initiation. On that planet they tend to share, what they have. The embodied brothers are following carefully the events of our planet. There is a great host of flying saucers of Venus, that follow constantly, what happens in your planet. Often we chased away the dark brothers and their flying saucers, because they tried to manage the Earth.
For those, who live on Venus, love means to be spirit and love the other spirits. Soon the etheric dimension will be discovered on the Earth too and you will know and see the beings, who live on other planets of our Solar System.
Sanat has had more than one incarnation on Venus. He has been a master and a brother and has written the history of the planet.


Hidden Truths.

October 15, 2010.

The Brotherhood of Sirius has always guided and worked with our Solar System. Sirius and its planets have given origin to the adventure of this Solar System. The force of energy, that takes off from there and goes through various solar systems and arrives to Earth, has the task to awaken the deepest energy of the human being. This force is arriving even more powerful, so the awareness of humanity awakens to its Source. This energy not only makes people become aware but touches the lower energy forces of man and this leads also to violence and social decay. This energetic force from Sirius, where there is a center of awareness, is arriving here with a great vibrational force and brings great changes on the terrestrial plane. This powerful energy is related to the Ray of the awakening of the awareness of those, who are experiencing the transition from the soul to the spirit and on the contrary those, who are going through a lower plane, which is the awakening of the soul, they feel, that they have gifts and higher states of awareness.
This powerful Ray is trying to transmute humanity towards the semi-etheric plane. If the humans abandoned themselves they would have the possibility to live the great experience of an awakened soul. The brothers from Sirius are trying to increase-grow quickly the love of union of the people on Earth, the awareness of a spiritual self, of perceiving the divine in the heart and know, that within us there is love. The Earth has the opportunity to save itself, in these days and months many of you are watching within themselves, what is important for a true life.

Sanat greets you

The Solar Hierarchy and the civilizations of Earth.

October 16, 2010. Part one.

Your ancient civilizations have had moments of great spirituality and morality. In those transitions many brothers of light embodied and brought teachings of various planets, that helped to awaken in the heart of everybody wisdom and love towards the community. Some of the embodied masters were of our Solar System and their task was to teach the awareness of their planet, so every civilization had the awareness of other planets, that would help to explore their inner awareness with different methods and would enrich the spirit of man. Every civilization received teachings on both the inner plane both the social and cultural planes, that then had formed life, experience and knowledge of that society.
In the Lemurian civilization the brothers of the planet Uranus embodied. Their teachings consisted of using the magic connected to nature and great magic rites were developed. They had a great ability to be in union with Mother Earth and to live in communion with the spirit and feel the love towards the Father.
Atlantis was a civilization under the influence of the teachings of the planet Venus and also of Sirius. This civilization was well known in our Galaxy. They lived in direct contact with the subtle planes and had great scientific knowledge. The great purpose was to unite the civilization to the Universal Brotherhood. The fall happened because some priests discovered the individuality and used it for purposes of power. Love was the basic teaching of Venus but the birth of individuality was an important step for everybody. We of Venus experienced it much earlier without forgetting, that love of Totality is important. We wanted to create it in Atlantis, but since in this terrestrial plane the emotional energy is of fundamental importance it became an obstacle to the passage of individuality, integrated in love. The birth of the force of power made a great conflict and led to take new decisions of spiritual growth on Earth. In Atlantis the awareness of the higher mind increased more and more. We had understood that to direct the emotions it was important to develop the abstract thinking. The end of Atlantis was used to choose a new path for the evolution of the planet. We decided, that life on Earth must necessarily be shorter and decided the path of reincarnation, so we would accelerate the development of abstract thinking and end the current logic. This path needed much time, so the evolved spirits have developed up to now these two aspects without forgetting the contact with the inner worlds. For the others it was different, every time they embodied, we sent a messenger or a prophet to remind them not to forget the subtle world. It was a great lesson for us all to know, that descending to much into the world without soul can make us become dead souls.


October 17, 2012. Part two.

After Atlantis the Hierarchy had decided to create a civilization, that would found a society of love and higher magic. Brothers of Sirius embodied to give their teachings to humanity and decided to build the pyramids as energetic point, that came from Sirius and arrived directly to Earth, so the high energy could be manifested and would help the brothers of the Planetary Hierarchy to embody.
The Egyptian civilization has had a cycle of evolution and higher magic. In that period many brothers embodied on Earth to help to live in harmony in that great civilization.
After there was another civilization, the one of India. Many masters and great initiates embodied in the best period and formed a society full of awareness and wisdom. Brothers of the Planetary Hierarchy and a part of the Brotherhood of the Plaiedes embodied. The teaching was to return to live the essence within us. This civilization sowed the discipline of inner research.
The civilization of Mesopotamia was influenced more in its spiritual teachings by the brothers of Jupiter. Their awareness was to bring the teaching of the truth into the plane of the higher mind and to realize, that we live on the plane of matter and this was useful to integrate the body with the spirit. At that time this experience of union was a passage into the plane of dense matter.
Every civilization left its teaching though they lost their true side later, but on the etheric plane they have remained in the thougth forms in the places, where these civilizations lived. The masters embodied in the right places to bring and awaken the old awareness, that is why some places are still sacred.
In every civilization there are places, where the great brothers joined to awaken the teachings of the Great Hierarchy. The Earth has many sacred places and in the etheric plane they still help to awaken the higher awareness. Every civilization has had great incarnated brothers, who were masters and they left their teachings to their disciples and devoted brothers. A great master, who lived in Mesopotamia left great teachings and they were tought in some asiatic schools.
It is time for the Earth to become aware that we all have within ourselves the divine plan and that we already have been here many times and we went through several civilizations and in every one we have known the teachings of masters and then brothers, who came from other planets. All this is awakening in the awareness of the initiates, who were the disciples of these ancient masters


Mercury and its evolution.

October 24, 2010.

The Brotherhood of Sirius, driven by the desire to evolve, chose this Solar System, because at that time it was a place, where nature had just begun to grow. The planet mercury was the closest planet to the heat of the sun, so a new experience of vibration and of matter was necessary to live there. We decided to descend into a different plane and so the astral etheric vibration was born. This experience was the beginning of descent also on the other planets of our Solar System. It meant, that the spirit was building an extremely subtle body, suitable for Mercury, that then was useful in the first cycles of other planets.
This experience helped many brothers, who never incarnated, to descend and live the astral matter. On Mercury this plane remained for a long time, until the experience of the semi-etheric plane was born on Earth. We realized, that mercury could descend into the etheric plane and would not suffer damage from the sun, that you see every day. This etheric experience took place living indoor on the planet. A great experience of awareness began on this planet, that the etheric plane can be lived with great esperience of those, who live in matter, which is more dense. Infact now on that planet they are experiencing pain, pleasure, mental logic and a physicality very similar to yours. This experience is teaching us, that we can live on the etheric plane, but experience your material dimension. In this period many of our Solar System, who are living on the plane of the spirit and have to embody, are choosing to descend on the planet Mercury, to explore the experience of dense matter on the etheric plane, so we can know a new plan of embodied life, that can make us live the etheric life with the dense matter.
Mercury has the task to guide your planet on the plane of the higher mind. The great intuitions, which reach you on science, tecnology and inner growth, come from the brothers, who live in the higher astral plane and they come from Mercury. In the future some terrestrial masters will live their next incarnations on this planet, so they can teach the brothers of Mercury how to explore and live the emotional plane with wisdom and they will learn the higher intuition, that helps their perception of Totality in the plane of mind. This passage, which the planet is going through, will help to open a new door of the etherization and the dense matter, that fuse and can integrate more easily and bring into the two planes, what is essential for the evolution to the Father.


The Planetary Logos of all ages.

October 25. 2010.

During the age of Lemuria there was a great struggle between the various civilizations of other planets and we knew, that it would create imbalance to the human race. In the experience of the two civilizations, that were fighting, the humans were not prepared. In that case the Hierarchy decided, that it was necessary to have someone responsible for the evolutionary events of the human race and we decided to take on a great responsible. According to his evolution he would guide humanity in the right direction to evolve and so the Planetary Logos became the brother of Jupiter, Nadan. At that time the assistance of the Solar Brotherhood was important, because the Planetary Hierarchy was not much evolved in experiences of terrestrial life. The brother of Jupiter already knew the life of a body from Sirius and Jupiter. After him it was decided, that it was right to continue in the same direction and a brother of Venus assumed the responsibility of being the Planetary Logos. He had great awareness and had always guided the Earth. He is still informed of what happens in our Solar System. Now he is working with the Great Galactic Council and it is not the moment to know his name.
After Atlantis, when the civilizations directed themselves into a material plane, the Logos of this planet was a brother of Shambhala, who came from Uranus and he still lives in the sacred place. In the age after the civilization, that lived in India in another cycle, another brother was elected and he remained until the age of Jesus. He was responsible of the planet with much love, but I passed the command of the teaching to the brother, the Christ, who assumed this great responsibility with great awareness. He guided the Earth for a long time, living in the spirit of his beloved brothers and now in these times there has been another passage, Maitreia, the Christ, has donated his task to the brother Koot Hoomi and now he is serving the awareness to humanity, that wants to grow towards the essence. Every brother, who has this task, brings a new vibration to the planet. This is a great moment of transition towards the awakening of everybody.

Sanat Kumara

The Essence of the planes.

October 30, 2010.

The universe is full of planets and civilizations. There are embodied brothers everywhere on various planes, but this is not the only reality. In the subtle world there are many planes, where souls are living and also spirits without physical or etheric body. There are places in the astral plane, where many masters are working for those, who are embodied on every planet.
In the astral world there are evolved beings, who have experienced lives on Earth and now they are working to evolve themselves and help other spirits to grow and become brothers, who a day will embody and live the cosmic love.
In the astral world there are many planes, at your place you have the low plane, then the medium plane, the high plane and the one, that goes beyond all planes. At our place we live eternal love and we have the awareness to be in the Eternal, which is within us. We live to recognize to have the awareness of being Eternal. In our world of the spirit there is only one law, which is love of the awareness of being close to the source.
The astral world is full of brothers, who are working to expand themselves in the Universe and live the Eternal Present. Here time does not exist but there is only Eternity, every spirit lives, because it wants to evolve and move towards the Father. In our world there are angels, who have the gift to love much and teach Eternal life. There are brothers of the Hierarchy, who are helping the souls to awaken their awareness of the spirit. There are brothers of the Solar System, who have the task to give birth in the heart of all, that they are divine spirits.
There is a plane, that goes beyond the other planes and takes us directly into the plane of those, who are Father and Mother. There our awareness fuses with him, who is Eternal. In our planes we live without an astral body, only of vibration and energy. It is not necessary to have a form, we can also be nothing, but we are in All Things.
In these planes you only feel the vibration and such a subtle energy, that you cannot perceive it.
In these planes only the being exists, who is the Father of the Fathers of the Fathers of the Fathers.
These planes do not even have a vibration.

Sanat, the Solar Logos

The Earth will be saved.

October 31, 2010.

Everything, that happens on the Earth, seems to be going in the negative direction, but we know about the work, that has been made since millions of years and we see how fast the change is accelerating. You only see, what they say on your TV, but you must be aware, that many things are not known, because they do not want you to open your awareness to the new, that is entering inside you and it is your ancient wisdom of the time, when you were brothers of light. Know, that everything is going in the right way, soon another intervention of the Father-Mother will happen in all the planet and everything will change. Your money, the power will not help you, they are only fake certainties, that one day will hinder your path of light. Today being religious means to understand, that we are individuals, who know the light in our heart. To be spiritual means : I recognize the divine spark within me. To be a brother, who meditates, means : I live the essence in my awareness. Living as an occultist means, that the magic transmutes my awareness in pure spirit. Living as an atheist means to recognize, that a higher mind is the key of my inner being. Recognizing, that there are brothers of other planets means to see our life in contact with them for growth. Live to love today means : I feel the Totality inside me.

Sanat Kumara

The Return of Christ.

November 01, 2010.

The coming of the New Era is important for those, who want to live the higher awareness. This Era has already arrived. Christ has already returned. And you will live it within you. The awareness of living it is important, so you will recognize yourselves in what you are. The Christ, Maitreia, descended for a long time in the body of many embodied brothers on Earth. The Christ, Maitreia, descended a long time ago in the body of a woman and then in Tibet in the body of a monk, in Palestine in the body of Jesus and now the current Christ supervises humanity every moment.
The age of Maitreia, the Christ, is now in the awakening of many embodied brothers on the planet. The Christ of the age of Atlantis is always with you and now he is the current Solar Logos.
The current Christ is constantly working for the awakening of all beings, who love the higher awareness. To you, brother Koot Hoomi, the task of the New Era with all of us, embodied brothers and the Planetary and Solar Hierarchy.
Awaken the Christ Awareness in you and the New Era will be present on the planet.

Sanat Kumara

The Civilization in the New Era.

November 01, 2010.

After the Great Change there will be a multi-racial civilization. The continent of Asia and the outlying areas of the other continents will change shape. The government will be democratic, but managed by evolved men, who will have a great political awareness. The houses will be low with a hyaline crystal at the center, that gives high energy. In the cities the buildings will be low, of two or three floors, little cement in the street, full of trees, grass and flowers. People will walk a lot to keep the body in harmony. The tecnology will be much more advanced. The brothers of Sirius and Venus will take care of the new discoveries. Man is living and working in the morning and after he dedicates himself to art, sport and social relationship. The schools will be more openminded, the contact with nature will be essential for children and young people. We will teach from mathematics up to divine energy. Life will be much better. Medicine will make important discoveries, that will help heal old diseases. Energy will be used in physical healing. The world will be divided in great states, united by the government, culture and spirituality. Love towards life, ourselves and others will be the most important value. In the universities there will be brothers of other planets to teach. Many brothers of light will embody to help the evolution and to recognize the spirit. Brothers of Venus will descend with their starships and can unite physically with humans to create a new race of love.


Exist and live here.

November 14, 2010.

To live on your planet means to have chosen a new path of the evolution of the spiritual soul. To exist here means to know the emotions and through them experience the emotional essence. After going through every emotion we have the awareness, that emotion is the part, that makes us feel and live our spirit. The emotion informs us that it is important to go on the path of feeling and seing. Feel emotion is to open the part of matter within us. In the emotional world we get to know the experience of those, who live here. To free the emotions is the passage to get to live the plane of the soul, love and spirit. I am the emotion, that evolved, becoming perception, intuition, higher consciousness and spirit. I am spirit, who fuses and lives the emotion to recognize to be spirit, that evolves in the world of matter.
You, who have chosen the path of terrestrial emotion, you live your higher consciousness, that integrates itself with the emotional world. Who goes through this path, has the awareness, that the emotion helps to live the essence without stiffness, but abandoning ourselves. In the emotion we perceive the living of a soul, of a mind and of a body.
Matter is experiencing the emotion, that becomes evolution.


The Earth in the Etheric Plane.

December 19, 2010.

The transition of your planet into the etheric plane leads to great changes of man, the planet and the animals. This transition modifies your DNA, your vibrations raise, the awareness becomes your plane. You feel, that your life needs a great change and so you will be spirits in the direction towards the memory of your origin. You will have the opportunity to perceive within you the awareness of the spirit, but those, who live to have and to possess will be hindered to feel their own self. The world can change in this way. The plane, which is emerging, creates new inner spaces, so you will have the opportunity to know your essence. Leave the ideas of the past, that impede to live the spirit of the New Era. Be aware, that this new force leads to change your soul and to recognize that you are brothers of the Universe. This etheric plane modifies the atoms of your body, your emotions will be strong, the mind confused, because the memory is awakening in the Eternal, that is within you. You, who already are living in the plane of the spirit, will feel the body in its passages, the emotions, that free old blocks, the mind, that listens to the voice of the spirit. The etheric plane already entered in your life, listen to its vibration.

The brother Sanat

The Hierarchy of Sirius in our Solar System.

Teachings of sister Rowena.

October 3, 2010.

In another cosmic cycle, we decided together with you, who always worked spiritually, to come to this Solar System from Sirius and thereabouts. It was decided at the Great Council to get here and accelerate the evolution and many of us decided to go and so we tried to create new civilizations and we started with Saturn and then Jupiter and Venus. After this experience some of us decided to return home. We knew that our path was to begin this new journey on these beloved planets and meanwhile the ages went by and many of us began to incarnate and make etheric experiences. It was a big growth for us and so many entities began to embody on all of the planets.
At the time everything was on the etheric-astral plane and therefore it was not necessary to get into a body to be born on the planet. Some of us lived as spirits of the water, air, the wind and the earth. It was a great time of spiritual experience but then some planets became more etheric and more dense and other brothers from the Universe came to live there. Some of them were not for love but for power

Sister Rowena

The Solar Hierarchy.

Teachings of brother Mans of Jupiter.

October 3, 2010.

We are brothers, who live on the astral plane and we cooperate with you. Many souls are embodied on the etheric plane of our planet Jupiter and they live in peace and love the etheric nature. We live in round houses so our energy can flow better. Our families consist of mother, father and two children, some of them have even three. The schools help our spirit to evolve. The earthly work is to cultivate land and live together with the community and the purpose is to share what we cultivated. The land is not private. Everyone loves to evolve and donate so love is among us.
We meet in the school of the spirit and we learn to receive the Divine Consciousness. We travel with spaceships and we have contacts both with the brothers of the astral plane both with embodied brothers on other planets.
We have a government, that loves its people and our sages teach us how to awaken the spirit. Our scientists invented how to grow longer our bodies and grow our trees and fruits with love. Our etheric technology allows us to dematerialize our body and our flying vehicles so we can come to the dense plane, where you are living.
We can live for many years, diseases do not exist. Sometimes the spaceships of the planets, who want power, attack us. They are able to come from the dense plane to the etheric one, but we know how to defend ourselves and chase them as we always have done on our planet. Some of our brothers of Jupiter embodied on Earth and have tasks in the economic world. They know their origin and have contacts with me. We, the brothers of Jupiter, want that the Earth returns to live Eternal Love.

Brother Mans of Jupiter

Teachings of brother Sat

November 12, 2010.

I am here in this plane but I do not belong to any plane of this great manifest plane. I live in a world, which is parallel to yours, but I am not in the etheric plane nor the astral one, nor low, intermediate or high. We have chosen to live in the plane of matter without body, without place, without being etheric, but we exist and we love, we are brothers, who live with those embodied in every Universe. We also live in the earthly dimension, we are embodied without mind, without emotions, without body, creative spirits every moment of places and spaces and then everything disappears. This parallel plane is not the world of passed away spirits. We exist, we live, we communicate and create dimensions, that vanish when we want. I am here to tell you, that we are participating in the Great Shift. We help you to be creators of new worlds. You are ready to the passage of new planes and new spaces inside and outside. I am here to create and help you to be creators of yourselves.
I am here to open a new door of the parallel world. This door towards us is important. The New Era awaits you.


We are manifested.

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