I am Morya and I come to talk to you.

I am a father of the Universal Hierarchy and I came to help my younger brothers and sisters so they also can have the opportunity to awaken to their essence soon and become fathers and mothers as they are since the beginning of time. It is a long time in your calendar and it is impossible to count it in material years. I am with you in the astral plane to guide you on the path of your essence.



September 13, 2013.

I am Morya, who greets you with love and brotherhood.

The number one is the creation, that goes into the universe and becomes two, that merges with itself and becomes three. Three is a number with the point upwards so it connects with its spirit discovering the fourth element, which is the ether. You live in the ether with the spirit and the quintessence is born, that is the spirit descended on Earth. We live many incarnations to awaken the divine awareness, that is true dedication to universal brotherhood. You die to your spirit entering the Solar Hierarchy, where you live the spirit of community in order to help all the brothers to awaken to their spirit. You live the number six in the universe with the awareness of your own spiritual multiplicity by sacrificing the individual spiritual, that is merged with other spirits. The spiritual consciousness merges with other spiritual consciousnesses giving life to number seven, that is love for creation of which we are creators. We live our responsibility as creator in number eight, which is infinite in performing our responsibility with love and by sacrificing our life for the spiritual life of creation. So you live number nine, that is at the Universal Hierarchy, where the spirit dissolves itself to be its great spirit as the only self expression. After a long path that leads us to awaken our innermost being we will live number ten at the Supreme Hierarchy, where we have returned to the cradle of our spiritual life but we also continue to live the creation, that is outside of us.

I am the brother Morya, who lives number ten

December 19, 2012.

I am the brother Morya and I come to give you other messages with useful teachings for your spiritual growth. I created this site together with Madra, our Creator and with Samta, who is now awakened to his great spirit. We decided to descend on Earth to help humanity and the Earth to awaken to their essense so the Earth finally can move into the etheric plane. I am a father like Samta and the Creator and all of you. If you work and awaken your essence you will be fathers and mothers again, who are able to create as we have created. We have been fathers and mothers for milions of years and therefore it is our task to help other brothers and sisters to awaken to their essence, the father and the mother within. Only with my teachings you will be in contact with me and have the opportunity to have contact with your deepest essence. I am Morya, a great brother, who dedicated many incarnations to personal and other’s growth. Now we are several to work for you so you too will have the opportunity to work for your younger brothers and sisters.
Now I greet you with love and brotherhood. We are one and with this awareness we are able to change everything in better for everyone.


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